
Atlético’s immediate plan with Samu Omorodion

According to reports from AS, two clubs, one in France and the other in Italy, are ready to shell out €30 million to secure the services of the talented Samu Omorodion. He’s currently on loan at Alavés this season, after Atlético Madrid signed him from Granada.

However, this offer falls short of Omorodion’s current release clause of €60 million. Despite this, Atlético Madrid is aware that this safeguard may not be enough given the potential of their young star.

To prevent any surprises and safeguard the club’s interests, a review of Omorodion’s contract is being considered to increase his release clause. The red and white team aims to ensure that the player’s value is accurately reflected in his contract, thus thwarting any attempts to snatch him away at a price below his true market worth.

It’s expected that discussions will kick off in the coming weeks between Atlético Madrid and the player’s representatives to address this matter. The goal is to resolve this issue before the end of the season.

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